Thursday, December 16, 2010

Chickpeas Kuku

For 4-6 person as appetizers
a tin of  chickpeas  net drained weight 480-500g
5 eggs ( German size L)
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon   chili powder (optional)
200g fresh coriander (optional)

1. put the chickpeas in mixer make chickpeas puree,
2, chop the coriander very fine ,
3, break the eggs into a large bowl , add the chickpeas puree , salt , cumin , chili powder and chopped coriander mix thoroughly . Adjust seasoning.
4, in a skillet , heart 2 tablespoons oil over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoon mixtures as a small round pancake  and fry it 2-3 minutes each side . Repeat it for the rest mixture.
5. Serve the kuku on a serving platter and garnish with fresh coriander .

Tips : It will taste better to eat it with wildgarlic yogurt .

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dessert for summer-Mascarpone fruit cream

servings 8-10
prep time 30 minutes

2 lemon
800 g mixed fruit depends on your own taste
500 g Mascarpone
500 g quark
200ml milk
100g sugar
25g slivered unsalted pistachios

1. press the 2 lemon and keep the juice by side,
2.wash all the fruit and cut it small piece,
3.mix Mascarpone , quark, sugar ,  milk and lemon juice ,
4.put the cream mixture into a big serving dish or 8-10 glasses , then fruit , garnish with pistachios before serving.

It is a wonderful dessert for summer party , just mix everything !

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sweet Rice with Orange Peel -Shirin polow

Najmieh Batmanglij 's Shirin polow recipe .
She is chef, culinary historian and teacher , the leading authority on Iranian cuisine .

Shirin polow

Servings  : 6
Prep Time : 40 min.
Cooking Time : 1.5 hours

3 cups long-grain white basmati rice
2/3 cup vegetable oil, butter, or ghee
1 medium onion, peeled and thinly sliced
1 pound boneless chicken, cut into 1 inch strips
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 large carrots, peeled and cut into thin strips
2 cups slivered orange peel, bitterness removed
2 cups sugar
1 cup slivered unsalted pistachios
1 cup slivered almonds, toasted
1 teaspoon ground saffron threads, dissolved in 4 tablespoons hot water
1 teaspoon Persian spice mix (advieh)
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 piece lavash bread

1 Wash the rice by placing it in a large container and covering it with lukewarm water. Agitate gently with your hand, then pour off the water. Repeat five (or more) times until the rice is completely clean. (It is a classic way to wash rice for Iranian rice cooking )

2 In a large skillet , heat 2 tablespoons oil over medium heat. Add the onion and stir-fry for 10 minutes, or until translucent. Add the chicken and stir-fry another 10 minutes, stirring until golden brown. Season with 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper and stir-fry another 2 minutes. Set aside.

3 In a large skillet , heat 2 tablespoons oil over medium heat. Add the carrots and stir-fry for 5 minutes. Add the orange peel, sugar, and 2 cups water and bring to boil. Reduce the heat, and stimmer over medium heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Add the pistachios and almonds to the orange-carrot mixture, drain, reserving the syrup, and set aside.

4 In a large nonstick pot, bring 8cups of water and 2 tablespoons salt to a boil. Add the rice to the pot and boil briskly for 6 to 10 minutes, gently stirring twice with a wooden spoon to loosen any grains that stick to the bottom. Once the rice rises to the top of the pot , it is done.

5 Drain the rice in a large, fine-mesh strainer and rinse with 3 cups lukewarm water.

6 In a bowl, whisk together 4 tablespoons oil, 1/2cup water, 2 spatulas full of rice, and 1 tablespoon saffron water, and spread the mixture over the bottom of the pot. This will for the golden crust ,or tah dig.

7 Cut a piece of  lavash bread to fit the bottom of the pot. Place the piece of lavash so that it rests evenly on top of the tah dig.

8 Place 2 spatulas full of rice in the pot. Add a spatula full of the carrot and orange mixture, and then a spatula full of the chicken. Repeat, alternating layers of rice with the carrot mixture and chicken, mounding the rice in the shape of a pyramid. Sprinkle the advieh and cardamom on each layer of rice.

9 Cover the pot and cook the rice mixture for 10 minutes over medium heat.

10 Mix 1 cup cold water with 4 tablespoons oil and pour over rice. Drizzle on the remaining saffron water and the syrup reserved in Step 3.

11 Place a clean dishtowel or 2 layers of paper towel over the pot to absorb condensation and cover firmly with the lid to prevent steam from escaping . Reduce the heat to low and cook 50 minutes longer, taking care that the towel does not burn.

12 Remove the pot from the heat and cool it , still covered, on a damp surface for 5 minutes to loosen the crust.

13 Gently taking 1 spatula full of rice at a time, place it on the serving platter. Be careful not to disturb the crust on the bottom of the pot. Mound the rice in th shape of a cone.

14 Detach the crust from the bottom of the pot using a wooden spatula, Unmold onto a small platter and serve on the side. Garnish with lemons or limes if you like.  NUSH -E JAN!

tah dig

In this recipe, a piece of lavash bread is placed between the tah dig and the rice. This is to protect the tah dig from the sugars, which if allowed to trickle down to the tah dig, Greatly increases the likelihood of burning the tah dig and the pot. In old Persia, a criteria to become a royal chef was to be able to make this recipe without using the lavash protection and still have the tah dig come out light gold. 

Tah dig in the photo was done without lavash bread ,that means , I have potential to become a royal chef ? :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cooking is self-expression

Cooking is self-expression,a way of finding the aromas, colours, and flavours that define your personality.  *

Here are some of the menus for my guests in 2007 , I was fall in love with indian food that time.
Menu in German

Menu 1 für 12 Personen


Mini-Frühlingsrollen von Amy


Herbstsalat mit Weintrauben
Orange-Avocadosalat mit Granatapfelkernen


Indisches Curry vom Heilbutt
Kartoffeln nach Bombay-Art
Curry-Garnelen mit Kukuma und Banane
Olivenpaste mit Bohnen


Apfel Kuchen

Herbstsalat mit Weintrauben by Amy


Menu 2 für 12 Personen

Mini-Frühlingsrollen von Amy


Blumenkohlsalat mit Kichererbsen
Rucolasalat mit Ziegenkäsenocken


Curry-Garnelen mit Kurkuma und Banane
Kürbiscurry mit Tomaten
Baqali Polou --(Dillreis mit dicken Bohnen und Kalb)


Erdbeeren mit Yoghurt Kuchen

Blumenkohlsalat mit Kichererbsen by Amy

Menu 3 für 12 Personen

Mini-Frühlingsrollen von Amy

Hühnersalat mit Garnelen und Grapefruit
Rucolasalat mit Ziegenkäsenocken


Lamm mit Aprikosen
Kokoshähnchen mit Mandeln und Safran
Garnelencurry mit Zuckerschoten

Häagen-Dazs Eiscreme Strawberry Cheesecake

Rucolasalat mit Ziegenkäsenocken by Amy

Menu 4 für 10 Personen


Mini-Frühlingsrollen von Amy

Rucolasalat mit Zitrusfrüchten
Gurkensalat mit Erdnüssen und Chili


geschmorte Schweinekotelett mit Kartoffeln
Morgh Polou -Reisgericht mit Huhn und Tomaten Sauce
Cashewnüssen mit Stangensellerie


Kokosmilch mit Papaya

geschmorte Schweinekotelett mit Kartoffeln by Amy

Menu 5 für 10 Personen


Mini-Frühlingsrollen von Amy


Hühnersalat mit Garnelen und Grapefruit
marinierte mini-Champignons mit Kräuter

geschmorte Lammkeule
Zereshk Polou -Safranreis mit Huhn und Berberitzen
Chinesische Trockenpilze mit Bok-Choy


Käse Sahne Torte mit Schwarzem Tee

Zereshk Polou -Safranreis mit Huhn und Berberitzen by Amy

All sentences with * from French Women Dont Get Fat Cookbook by Mireille Guiliano

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cooking is like fashion

                                                   sex and the city 2

I am reading French Women Dont't Get Fat Cookbook by Mireille Guiliano ,there is one sentence I do appreciate : Have fun playing with the range of options and make your own version.Remember,its like fasion:mix and match to please your own taste buds.

Visit her online at

Yes , that is what I did and what I am doing and what I will do in my kitchen---Amy's fusion cuisine.